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Antiquarian Bo

Antiquarian Book Fair

  • Presse
    04.06.2009 - 06.06.2009
Antiquarian Bo

Downstairs at the Antiquarian Book Fair

This year for the first time, the Antiquarian Book Fair (4th-6th June 2009) is to spread into the lower ground floor at Olympia.

As usual the ground floor will be devoted to cream of international antiquarian booksellers and as demand for space is high, the café area has been moved to make room for more and bigger stands.

‘Downstairs' at the Antiquarian Book Fair will be devoted to complementary exhibitors such as professional crafts men and women, institutions, associations and specialist publications. This expansion will undoubtedly add another interesting and stimulating dimension; not only will visitors and exhibitors be able to relax in the new and enlarged café and bar area, but they will also have the opportunity to watch highly trained bookbinders at work, view and subscribe to the latest publications or inquire about relevant associations and institutions. Those who simply want to look at their purchases or read catalogues, can do so in comfort with a light hot or cold meal or snack, accompanied by a reviving glass of wine or beer or just a cup of tea or coffee.

The Antiquarian Book Fair encompasses illuminated manuscripts, early printed books, prints, maps, atlases, letters, autographs, vintage photographs and modern first editions. It is the perfect place to browse, discuss, compare and buy; prices range from £50 to £500000. It is the largest and most prestigious event of its kind in Europe, the oldest established book fair in the world and it is organised by the august Antiquarian Booksellers' Association (ABA), which means that all its members have been carefully vetted so that the public can buy with confidence.

For further information regarding space ‘Downstairs' at the Antiquarian Book Fair

or complimentary tickets, please contact the ABA Tel: 020 7439 3118 Fax: 020 7439

3119 or email: admin@aba.org.uk

For press information please contact:

Vanessa Clewes Salmon Tel: 020 8458 3288

or email: Vanessa@wildwood13.fsnet.co.uk


  • 04.06.2009 - 06.06.2009
    Presse »

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  • Antiquarian Book Fair