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LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023

EllioH Fine Art
Online exhibi;on: A Different Vision: PainEngs and Drawings from the 20th Centuryshowsthe talents of lesser-known ar;sts deserving greater ahen;on, or shedslight on overlooked aspects of major figures.

Colnaghi EllioH Master Drawings
Online exhibi;on: Drawings from the 19thCentury.

Daniel Katz Gallery
Highlight: Isaac Israels was a leading figure of the Amsterdam Impressionism movement. He spent much ;me in Paris from the 1890s where he enjoyed pain;ng city life en plein air, developing a dis;nc;ve style. Herelocated to London in 1913, where he redirected his ar;s;c interests toward the dynamic study of boxers and wrestlers. Two Boxersis one of the largest and arguably the most successful of this fascina;ng series of pictures.

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  • LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023 
    LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023 
    London Art Week
  • Joaquín Sorolla Y Bastida (1863-1923), Children in the Sea, 1908, oil on canvas,© Colnaghi
    Joaquín Sorolla Y Bastida (1863-1923), Children in the Sea, 1908, oil on canvas,© Colnaghi
    London Art Week
  • Auguste Renoir, L’homme qui marche, Étude pour le Torse (The Walking Man, Study for the Torso), 1877, bronze, Willoughby Gerrish
    Auguste Renoir, L’homme qui marche, Étude pour le Torse (The Walking Man, Study for the Torso), 1877, bronze, Willoughby Gerrish
    London Art Week
  • Oswald Achenbach(1827-1905), View of the piazza del Quirinale in Rome, oil on canvas, Paolo Antonacci
    Oswald Achenbach(1827-1905), View of the piazza del Quirinale in Rome, oil on canvas, Paolo Antonacci
    London Art Week
  • Antoine Bouvard Snr (1870-1955), The Santa Maria Della Salute& Looking Towards The Doge’s Palace, (one of a pair), oil on canvas, Haynes Fine Art;
    Antoine Bouvard Snr (1870-1955), The Santa Maria Della Salute& Looking Towards The Doge’s Palace, (one of a pair), oil on canvas, Haynes Fine Art;
    London Art Week
  • Camillo Innocenti(1871-1961), The Sicilian Cart (Il Carretto Siciliano), 1917, oil on canvas, Reve Art
    Camillo Innocenti(1871-1961), The Sicilian Cart (Il Carretto Siciliano), 1917, oil on canvas, Reve Art
    London Art Week
  • A pair of chairs from the collec^on of William Beckford, English 1827-1844, H. Blairman & Sons;
    A pair of chairs from the collec^on of William Beckford, English 1827-1844, H. Blairman & Sons;
    London Art Week