LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023
Ausstellung01.12.2023 - 08.12.2023
EllioH Fine Art
Online exhibi;on: A Different Vision: PainEngs and Drawings from the 20th Centuryshowsthe talents of lesser-known ar;sts deserving greater ahen;on, or shedslight on overlooked aspects of major figures.
Colnaghi EllioH Master Drawings
Online exhibi;on: Drawings from the 19thCentury.
Daniel Katz Gallery
Highlight: Isaac Israels was a leading figure of the Amsterdam Impressionism movement. He spent much ;me in Paris from the 1890s where he enjoyed pain;ng city life en plein air, developing a dis;nc;ve style. Herelocated to London in 1913, where he redirected his ar;s;c interests toward the dynamic study of boxers and wrestlers. Two Boxersis one of the largest and arguably the most successful of this fascina;ng series of pictures.
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01.12.2023 - 08.12.2023