LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023
Ausstellung01.12.2023 - 08.12.2023
Over 50 leading fine art dealers offer Digital & In-Gallery Exhibions & Events
LAW SYMPOSIUM 2023 -Naonal Portrait Gallery -Conserva on & Framing
A busy eight days in early December will see the capital’s leading auc;on houses and fine art galleriesfrom around the UK and Europe taking part in the Winter 2023 edi;on of London Art Week from Friday 1 to Friday 8 December. Exhibi;ons and sales willtake place online and in galleries across central London, revealing important and exci;ng works. From Renaissance and Old Master rari;es to Modern and Contemporary pain;ngs,drawingsand sculpture, and encompassing excep;onal works of artand craNsmanship,including,rare furniture, booksand manuscripts,this year’s Winter edi;on of London Art Week offers the best selec;on of the finest art on the market.
The 2023 LAW Symposium, The Art of Conservation -Preservation, Restoration and Framing, takes placeon Tuesday 5 Decemberat the recently reopened National Portrait Gallery.In partnership with The Burlington Magazine, there will bethree panel talks with leading curators, conservators and LAW experts. Thesewill investigatesuch topics as:how study informs conservation treatment;exciting moments from the history of conservation, including important contributions from women, based on the panellists' articles in The BurlingtonMagazine'snew publication The Art of Conservationco-published with Paul Holberton (pre-launch on the day); and historic picture frames and their changing fashions, 27 years after the UK's first exhibition devoted to picture frames was held at the National Portrait Gallery. Lynn Roberts and Paul Mitchell, authors of Frameworks, Form, Function & Ornamentand A History of European Picture Frames, who were closely involved with thatexhibition, will be joined by conservators from the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery. Tickets to the Symposium are £20.
Several talks will take place duringLondon Art Week rela;ng toexhibions: Monday 4 December –More6 Fine Artwill hold a discussion in their gallery aboutThe execuEon of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche, apreparatorysketch rediscovered(;me TBC).Tuesday 5 December 7:00-8:30pm –coinciding with his exhibi;on at DavidMessumFine Art, ar;st Sean Jefferson will discuss the many layers of symbolism in his Twelve Days of Christmas (online +booking fee)Wednesday 6 December 6:00pm –at Shapero Modernar;st, printmaker and designerRory Huhonwill give a half hour talk on his most recent work.
Among exhibi,ons and auc,ons to visit in person duringLAW Winter this December:
In Mayfair...Stephen Ongpin Fine Art4-20 December: Annual Christmas exhibion of over sixtyOld Master, 19thcentury and Modern drawings and watercolours priced between £500 and £15,000. Sam FoggSam Fogg will be presen;ng a selec;on of new acquisi;ons and highlights across the mediums of medieval sculpture, pain;ng, metalwork, ceramics and stained glass, all produced between 1200 and 1520.Ben Elwes Fine ArtUntil 15 December:ForthefirsttimeintheUK,agroupofsevenmonumentalpaintingsbytheAymaraBolivianartistAlejandroMarioYllanes(1913-c.1960)whichhavenotbeenseeninpublicforover30years.ShaperoModern 22 November-22 December: Prints by Rory Hutton, award-winning British artist, printmaker and historian, well-known for his series of scarves created for museums and cultural institutions.
Peter Harrington16-25 Novemberthen online: Classic first ediEons, Christmas ephemera and fesEve artworks by celebrated arEsts-first edi;ons of Christmas classics by Charles Dickens, Clement C. Moore, Agatha Chris;e and J.K. Rowling, to charming originalpoems, royal gree;ng cards, evoca;ve Victorian chromolithographic books and original artwork from ;meless tales. Con;nuesonline through December.Bonhams22 November-7 December: Classic Week auc;ons, including Old Master Pain;ngs on 6 December.
In St. James’s... Eros Gallery *new par:cipantfor Winter 2023 1-22 December: a new project from Willoughby Gerrish, Eros Gallery is dedicated to artworks from the 19th and early 20th century, with a specific interest in sculpture.It launches with a highly significant exhibi;on exploring the parallels between two ground-breaking sculptors: Auguste Rodin, and his contemporary Aime-Jules Dalou, greatly celebrated in his own ;me yet today barely known beyond ar;s;c circles. This major survey features over 50 works of art drawn primarily from three important collec;ons.
Clase Fine Art
6-20 December: in partnership with Fiumano Clase, a winter exhibi;on Chasing Elsewhere, a group selling show by contemporary ar;sts curated by Karen Tronel.
Guy PeppiaH Fine Art
27Nov-15 December: One Hundred Drawings and Watercoloursfeaturing works on paper by Bri;sh ar;sts of the 18th, 19thand 20thcenturies including landscapes, studies, portraits and animals.
David MessumFine Art
29 Nov-22 December: Sean Jefferson : The Twelve Days of Christmas & Other Works, curated by David Boyd Haycock. Contemporary works inspired by the popular folkloric carol.
December 2023 -5 January 2024: Sorolla: A CelebraEon of Life -thisseminal show will feature fiNeenmasterpieces by Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923), several of which are newto the market. 2023 marks the centenary of his death, a fiong occasion to honour the major role he played within the canon of Spanish art history. Together with John Singer Sargent and Giovanni Boldini, he was the most celebrated painter of his ;me, whose output is key to understanding fin de siècle European art.
Fine Art1-15 December: The execuEon of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche, apreparatorysketch rediscovered.
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01.12.2023 - 08.12.2023