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Vernissage 15.

Vernissage 15.05.07, Galerie ERNST HILGER

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Vernissage 15.

The Spanish artist Isidro Blasco (b. 1962 in Madrid, Spain), who lives in New York since 1996, is best known for installations and photo-sculptures, digital photographs mounted to armatures of wood and foam, informed by architecture and cubism. His three dimensional constructions reconstruct interior spaces and his latest works focuses on the exterior world, outdoor environments culled from the New York cityscape. He combines architecture, photography and installation with the central themes of vision and perception in relation to physical experience. The motives of his newest works show his fear of the current political climate and reaction to the nightly news. So corporate offices sprout from the rooftops of townhouses and thin strips of wood replace buildings cropped out of the picture in his off-kilter vision, while billowing clouds and smoke obscuring the sky ominous reminders of 9/11 and the current age of anxiety.

Die Installation Deconstructed Cities / Deconstructed Reality (2001 – 2006) von Tim White-Sobieski (geb. 1976 in der USA) umfasst derzeit 4 Drucke und eine 4-Kanal-Videoprojektion. Die ca. 30 großformatigen Fotografien mit dem Schwerpunkt „Großstadt“ zeigen unter anderem London, Paris, Berlin, Tokio, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro. Durch die Analyse der menschlichen Umwelt und deren architektonischem Gegenstueck, der Staedte, werden im Video Bilder von New York City, auf großformatige halb-transparente Acrylleinwaende projiziert, „entkonstruiert“ und zu einer neuen virtuellen Realitaet zusammengesetzt.

Tim White-Sobieski’s (b.1967) installation Deconstructed Cities / Deconstructed Reality currently includes 4 prints and 4-channel video projection. The entire project includes 30+ large-scale photographs dedicated to biggest megapolises of the world; cities include London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro. Aesthetically the project is based on aspiration to analyze contemporary human environment, which has ist architectural counterpoint in big cities. The video currently contains images of New York City deconstructed and re-assembled into a new virtual reality.

Samuil Stoyanov (*1975) verarbeitet in seinen Bildern Geschichten, die scheinbar dem realen Leben entnommen sind. So sucht der Betrachter nach dem Hintergrund der dargestellten Szene, wiegt die Möglichkeiten ab, aber nur der gegenwärtige Moment ist ihm zugänglich. Das Dargestellte kann gleichzeitig lustig und schrecklich oder absurd und logisch sein. Es sind Ergebnisse des Zufalls, aber auch des Unvermeidlichen. Die Malerei des bulgarischen Künstlers Samuil Stoyanov liefert interessante Ansichten über das Leben in einer einfachen, direkten Form.

Die Ausstellung wird von Dr. Maria Vassileva, Sofia Art Gallery, kuratiert. The stories of Samuil Stoyanov (b. 1975) are like real life – we are looking for the reasons, making guesses about the consequences, but the only thing we can see into is the present moment – funny and terrible, absurd and logical at the same time, fruit of coincidences and inevitabilities. What is the truth behind the images of the news? Who control the events in our life? How could biblical parables happen today? These are all questions reflecting the desire of contemporary man to look beyond the visible without losing self irony and irony of the surrounding world. Interesting ideas and life, unpretentious form – the pictures of Samuil Stoyanov have everything necessary to conquer the contemporary public and why not to input some fresh whiff in the contemporary Bulgarian art of painting.

The exhibition will be curated by Dr. Maria Vassileva, Sofia Art Gallery .

Siemens_artLab: Samuil Stoyanov
Vernissage: Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007, 18.30 Uhr, die Ausstellung dauert bis 14.Juni 2007.
Vernissage: Tuesday, 15th May 07, 6.30 p.m., the exhibition runs until 14th June 07.

We are proud to pre-announce our continous presence at Art Basel 2007. A special news preview will be sent in two weeks time.

Artists at ArtBasel 2007: Daniele Buetti, Erró, Flavio Favelli, Oliver Dorfer, John Gerrard,
Anastasia Khoroshilova, Jiri Kolar, Angel Marcos, Brian McKee, Jacques Monory, Josef Felix
Müller, Hermann Nitsch, Mel Ramos, Mimmo Rotella, Hans Staudacher, Massimo Vitali,
Andy Warhol (unique works).


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