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By Arsalan Mohammad | Jun 7, 2023

In Memoriam: Françoise Gilot (1921-2023)

By Arsalan Mohammad | Jun 7, 2023

And as belated recognition of her art grew, a major show was staged, co-curated by Gilot, at New York’s Gagosian Gallery in 2012. ‘Picasso and Françoise Gilot, Paris-Vallauris, 1943-1953’ revisited her decade with Picasso, with works from each, presented in dialogue, demonstrating the unique creative dynamic that sparked between the pair. Françoise Gilot Paloma à la Guitare (1965) Lot sold: 922,500GBP

Acclaim for Gilot continued into her old age, with projects such as a book of sketches, made during travels to India, Senegal and Venice between 1974 and 1981 being published in 2018 and in 2021, her 1965 portrait of her daughter, Paloma à la Guitare, selling for $1.3 million at Sotheby’s.

In 1955, Gilot married painter Luc Simon, a union that ended six years later. In 1970, she met virologist Jonas Salk in California, marrying him soon after and remaining together until his death in 1995, after which Gilot settled in Manhattan, where she lived until her death. She is survived by her daughter, Aurelia, from her marriage with Simon, as well as her two children with Picasso, Claude and Paloma, and four grandchildren.

‘You imagine people will be interested in you?’ Picasso was said to have sneered as they separated. ‘They won’t ever, really, just for yourself. Even if you think people like you, it will only be a kind of curiosity they will have about a person whose life has touched mine so intimately.’

Picasso was wrong. With resilience, ambition and creative curiosity, Françoise Gilot found her own path through the labyrinth of her life, leaving us with a history that will inspire generations to come.

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  • Francoise Gilot, 1953 the year she met Pablo Picasso. (AFP via Getty Images)
    Francoise Gilot, 1953 the year she met Pablo Picasso. (AFP via Getty Images)
    Sotheby’s Auktionshaus
  •  Pablo Picasso and Francoise Gilot, Vallauris, France, circa 1952. (Photo by Robert DOISNEAU/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images)
    Pablo Picasso and Francoise Gilot, Vallauris, France, circa 1952. (Photo by Robert DOISNEAU/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images)
    Sotheby’s Auktionshaus
  • Françoise Gilot Paloma à la Guitare (1965) Lot sold: 922,500GBP
    Françoise Gilot Paloma à la Guitare (1965) Lot sold: 922,500GBP
    Sotheby’s Auktionshaus
  • Thérèse Crémieux, Françoise Gilot and Sotheby's Benjamin Doller in conversation.
    Thérèse Crémieux, Françoise Gilot and Sotheby's Benjamin Doller in conversation.
    Sotheby’s Auktionshaus