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ArtVilnius’16 presented 60 galleries from 12 countries of the world, including Poland which was this year’s guest country. During the four days of ArtVilnius’16 (9-12 June, 2016), Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO was proud to meet 21 thousand visitors; about 200 works of art were sold for more than 260 thousand euro. These figures once again evidence the stable anchoring of the contemporary art fair, which was held for the seventh time this year, both in the local and global art markets, as well as among art lovers.

The panel of judges composed of art critics and journalists traditionally selected the best participants of the art fair. Judging Panel for Awards: art critic Ernestas Parulskis, art critic Virginijus Kinčinaitis, Julijonas Urbonas, artist, designer, researcher, engineer, ass. professor, Vice-Rector for Art at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. The Best ArtVilnius’16 Installation – “Kill(ed) for Peace” by Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė (presented by “Artifex” Gallery of the Vilnius Academy of Arts)

In ArtVilnius’16 about 200 works of art were sold for more than 260 thousand euro. According to Mrs. Diana Stomienė, director of ArtVilnius’16, the statistical figures for artworks sold at the art fair are not precise. “Not necessarily all art sales should be completed during the art fair; many transactions are finalised after the fair. Art lovers and collectors often contact authors during the art fair, apply to experts for advice, look around, make bookings and purchase the works they liked later. Such transactions fall beyond our records, but we know they have to do with the art fair”.

Art galleries from this year’s guest country Poland caught buyers’ attention: Stalowa Gallery sold four artworks and Czułość Gallery sold three photographs by Nampei Akaki from Japan. The only participant gallery from Estonia, Okapi Gallery, sold four works and enjoyed a successful debut in ArtVilnius. Works by Alexey Lunev were in the centre of attention at the stand of Y Gallery, the Best Gallery at ArtVilnius’16. Great visitor’s attention was also drawn to foreign galleries, such as lokal_30, Zderzak, Nivet-Carzon, F.A.I.T., Maksla XO, Kovcheg, Agijas Sūnas Art Gallery, and others. Many visitors and buyers focused on large-scale steel objects by Dutch artist Ronald A. Westerhuis and new kinetic installation “Something in the Air” by Kęstutis Svirnelis.

This year, Lithuanian galleries and artists enjoyed exceptional success at ArtVilnius’16. The Rooster gallery sold even 8 works of art by young and promising painting artists Vita Opolskytė, Kristina Ališauskaitė, Andrius Zakarauskas and Auksė Miliukaitė. E.K.ART Gallery sold more than ten works, including photographs by Vitas Luckus and Vytautas Balčytis. Aukso Pjūvis Gallery enjoyed having buyers for more than 20 of gallery’s artworks. This gallery showcased the paintings by Aldona Gustas. Visitors of Meno Niša Gallery bought artworks by young painter Paulius Šliaupa and famous classic Rūta Katiliūtė. Baroti Gallery (KADS) sold out all paintings of Radion Petrov. Among other selling artists there were Monika Žaltauskaitė-Grašienė, Andrius Erminas, Eglė Rakauskaitė, Martynas Gaubas, Vilmantas Marcinkevičius, Pranas Gailius, Vytautas Kasiulis and Rūta Jusionytė. Kaunas photo gallery sold several works by Donatas Stankevičius from the series “Old drivers”.

Artist Kristina Norvilaitė sold 8 art works, of which two were bought by Law Firm Cobalt, maecenas of art fair ArtVilnius’16 and its leading partner in Lithuania Irmantas Norkus. The maecenas added a total of 7 art pieces to their collection. He selected a painting by Vita Opolskytė and four graphical works of Linas Katinas.

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  • Photo Marius Zicius
    Photo Marius Zicius
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists
  • Photo Marius Zicius
    Photo Marius Zicius
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists
  • Photo Marius Zicius
    Photo Marius Zicius
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists
  • Photo Marius Zicius
    Photo Marius Zicius
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists
  • Photo Rytis Seskaitis
    Photo Rytis Seskaitis
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists
  • Photo Laima Milkinte
    Photo Laima Milkinte
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists
  • Photo Laima Milkinte
    Photo Laima Milkinte
    Lithuanian Art Gallerists