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Melbourne Design Week, Australia’s leading annual international design event, returns for its sixth edition from 17-27 March 2022, with a dynamic program that will transform Melbourne and parts of regional Victoria over 11 days with a series of exhibitions, talks, films, tours and workshops, including the biennial Australian Furniture Design Award and a program of design showroom activationsthat respond to the theme ‘Design the world you want’.

Two pillars –civic goodand making good–provide a focused exploration of the main theme, with the thematic ‘civic good’ encouraging participants to think beyond the individual to serve the common interest and ‘making good’ exploring the impact of design beyond its functional or aesthetic impact to look at the social and environmental impact on the planet.

Extensive programming responding to the theme and addressing such issues as sustainability, technology, the circular economy and First Nations knowledge and thinking, will be activated at ahost of hubs including the National Gallery of Victoria, RMIT Design Hub, Collingwood Yards, Scienceworks, MPavilion and Melbourne Connect, supported by a robust satellite program,including presentations by Open House Melbourne (Centre for Architecture Victoria), Melbourne Design Week Film Festival and Melbourne Art Book Fair.

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    National Gallery of Victoria
  • Charles Sanford - Wood Turning …phy Credit Charles Sandford.
    Charles Sanford - Wood Turning …phy Credit Charles Sandford.
    National Gallery of Victoria
  • Jara Vessel Maria Paola Piras Pretziada detail.
    Jara Vessel Maria Paola Piras Pretziada detail.
    National Gallery of Victoria