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Print Fair

Capital Art Fair 2015

Print Fair

The 2015 Capital Art Fair will take place in Arlington, VA, at the Holiday Inn-Rosslyn Westpark Hotel on March 21st and March 22nd. A successor to the Washington Fine Print Fair and the Washington International Print Fair, the Capital Art Fair is now in its thirty-fifth year of bringing collectible and desirable art to the Washington, DC, area. This year, the fair boasts over 20 distinguished art dealers from across the United States.

The Art
Visitors to the fair will find thousands of works on paper from great master prints to cutting edge, contemporary pieces. The original prints, paintings, drawings, and photographs span over 500 years of creative expression, offering an impressive and expansive selection to DC art collectors.

The Opportunity
The Capital Art Fair presents an invaluable opportunity, both in access and convenience, to the seasoned art collector, as well as those looking to break into the market. It is the only art fair in the Washington, DC, area where an extraordinary range of fine art will be available for collectors, museums, and the curious to purchase.

The Experience
The Capital Art Fair gives a chance for the vibrant DC art community to interact and talk with exhibitors and dealers who are highly respected in the field, many of whom are well known to the curators of DC museums and established members of the International Fine Print Dealers Association.


David Allen Fine Art William P. Carl Fine Prints Center Street Studio Egenolf Gallery Japanese Prints Roger Genser The Prints and The Pauper Conrad R. Graeber Fine Art William Greenbaum Fine Prints Jane Haslem Gallery Ernest S. Kramer Fine Arts & Prints, Inc. Tobey C. Moss Gallery Oehme Graphics The Old Print Gallery, Inc. The Old Print Shop, Inc. Paramour Fine Arts Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts Shogun Gallery Stevens Fine Arts Stewart & Stewart M. Lee Stone Fine Prints Steven Thomas, Inc. TOJ Gallery Tolman Collection Verne Collection, Inc.

  • 21.03.2015 - 22.03.2015
    Messe »

    Saturday, March 21, 2015
    10am — 6pm
    Sunday, March 22, 2015
    11am — 5pm

    Admission $10

    Holiday Inn- Westpark Hotel
    1900 North Fort Myer Drive
    Rosslyn, VA 22209

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