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Book launch Malmö "Unwrapping Yrjö Edelmann"


With pride, happiness and champagne we will celebrate this extraordinary book which thanks to Neumeister Strategic Design is an artwork in itself.

Unwrapping Yrjö Edelmann is a tribute to the artist who amazes the world with his trompe l’œil painting. The book takes you through the work of Yrjö Edelmann from his time as an illustrator, through his first hyper realistic paintings towards his signum – paper and parcels.

Together with Neumeister Strategic Design we are proud to present this extraordinary book in our gallery in Malmö where we had our first exhibition together with Yrjö Edelmann in 2003. This was the beginning of a close collaboration and dear friendship that lasted until his passing in 2016.

• When? Thursday the 15th of June, from 17.00 to 20.00.
• Where? Stora Nygatan 30, Malmö.

RSVP to mail@gkm.se before 8 of June

  • 15.06.2023
    Buchtipp »
    Galleri GKM »

    Opening Hours

    Friday May 12 By invitation only

    Saturday May 13 11:00–18:00

    Sunday May 14 11:00–17:00

    Liljevalchs Konsthall
    Djurgårdsvägen 60
    115 21 Stockholm

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  • Unwrapping Yrjö Edelmann
    Unwrapping Yrjö Edelmann
    Galleri GKM
  • Unwrapping Yrjö Edelmann
    Unwrapping Yrjö Edelmann
    Galleri GKM
  • Yrjö Edelmann
    Yrjö Edelmann
    Galleri GKM