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presents Crist

presents Cristòfol Pons Die TNT Menschen

presents Crist

As the name of the exhibition indicates, Pons’ drawings encompass something highly explosive – less in the physical sense and more in an illustrative one. The TNT People, who can be seen in Pons’ works, have a destructive force and are reminiscent of the “Tripods” as described by H.G. Wells in his classic 1898 science fiction novel, The War of the Worlds. An elementary difference lies in the representation of the destroyers. Pons shows us two-legged rulers – manlike creatures in all their destructive power. With exaggerated size, these figures are presented as empty shells – performing their devastating work with neither face nor hands and feet. The person becomes an aggressive, destructive being at the centre of his own world.

Opening: Saturday, January 22, 7 p.m.

Exhibition January 23 - February 19, 2011

Opening hours: Thu-Fri 4 - 8 p.m., Sat 2 - 6 p.m.


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  • presents Cristòfol Pons  Die TNT Menschen
    vierter stock - Projektraum Berlin