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Galerie Schulte


Galerie Schulte

For the inaugural show in the new space at Mercator Höfe on Potsdamer Straße, Galerie Thomas Schulte presents a solo exhibition of recent paintings and drawings by Cosima zu Knyphausen. Through varied techniques, formats and materials, zu Knyphausen draws on sources from the art historical, literary and pop cultural to the everyday, personal and self-referential. The works brought together here under the title of Maestra trace fragmentary paths to learning and discovery across different realms of education and desire. What opens up is a layered reflection: on historical representations of women, as artists and in art; and the vocation of artist, its current models and canons, through the lens of her own artistic training and practice.

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  • Cosima zu Knyphausen, "Erziehung des Herzens (ira, resaca y aguas termales)", 2022, ink on fabric, 15 x 15 cm | 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 in
    Cosima zu Knyphausen, "Erziehung des Herzens (ira, resaca y aguas termales)", 2022, ink on fabric, 15 x 15 cm | 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 in
    Galerie Thomas Schulte