until the thread breaks Xenia Fink, Marlene Lahmer, Paulina Semkowicz
Ausstellung01.04.2023 - 07.05.2023
Xenia Fink
In her work, Xenia Mura Fink reflects on recurrent images and is interested in creating different readings. She explores the possibilities of narration that she develops within groups of drawings, and between the viewer and the work. Drawing is the basis of her practice, which can take the form of works on paper, installations, or animation. Fink employs quotes from our visual culture and gestures as clues to depict something that happens beyond the format.
Marlene Lahmer
I am mainly but not exclusively interested in the aesthetic and physical qualities of glass, in the visual and auditory spaces that can be found for texts, and in trailing concepts from cultural theory and linguistics. My artististic work includes sculptures, multi-media installations and text performances. Material-based, literary and theory-informed approaches overlap translucently, incongruently and sometimes complementarily.
Paulina Semkowicz
Paulina Semkowicz , born in 1980, Kraków, Poland is currently based in Vienna. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków where she studied painting (Diploma with Distinction, 2006) and scenography (Postgraduate degree, 2013). In 2005 she was granted a scholarship at Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. She took part in many international projects and besides her own practice she has made several collaborations with other artists. Her work has been exhibited among various art spaces in Vienna and other European cities. Since 2019 she has been working with gallery She BAM! in Leipzig, Germany. Her practice approaches different artistic domains such as painting, installation and set design as she is deeply influenced by theatre´s scenery, a milieu in which she has evolved as a scenography painter for a couple of years.
Xenia Fink * in São Paulo, Brazil
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle and Hamburg University of Applied Science (HAW), Graphic Design/Illustration studies, graduated in 2005 with MA in Illustration
Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), Fine Arts studies, graduated in 2009 as Meisterschülerin SOLO SHOWS
2021 Loose Threads / Lose Fäden, Kunstraum NeuDeli KV, Leipzig
2019 Interiors, Ta(r)dino 6, Baku
2019 Republic of the Other (collab Fink/Trejo/Yu), Gallery 101, Ottawa
2018 Grimm – ein Archiv, Museum Haldensleben, Haldensleben
2018 Abbildungsversuche von Nicht-Aussprechbarem, Kunstverein Coburg
2018 Die relative Wichtigkeit ziemlich wichtiger Dinge, Anhaltischer Kunstverein, Dessau
2015 It is always immediate, Morgen Contemporary, Berlin
2013 Too Close To Home, Morgen Contemporary, Berlin
2012 Bioterio, Instituto Cultural de León, as part of FIAC, Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, León, Mexico 2012 Xenia Fink – Restrained Whisper, umlaut gallery, Munich
2011 drawings, Galerie Schuster, Miami
2010 Xenia Fink, Galerie Schuster, Berlin
2010 L’Éducation sentimentale, Galerie im Volkspark, Halle
Marlene Lahmer (*Wien, 1996) ist im Masterprogramm TransArts an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst und hat English and American Studies mit einem persönlichen Fokus auf queere und feministische Kulturtheorie an der Universität Wien studiert. Sie war ein Jahr lang Erasmusstudentin in Glass Art an der Estonian Academy of Arts, Talinn. Ihre künstlerische Praxis umfasst Lyrik, Performance, (ortsspezifische) Installation und skulpturale Auseinandersetzungen mit Glas.
Wichtige Gruppenausstellungen beinhalten Deciduous mit dem Kollektiv Supra//Struktur (Medo Art Space), die Serie I spy with my little eye in Talinn (Polymer A Korpus und EKA Gallery), Mustererkennung im Rahmen der Vienna Biennale for Change 2019 (Kunstfabrik Groß Siegharts), das Ausstellungsprojekt Narrating Narrativity (Krinzinger Projekte) und eine Teilnahme an der Vienna Contemporary 2020.
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01.04.2023 - 07.05.2023
Ausstellungsdauer: 1. April 2023 – 7. Mai 2023
Galerie Kunstverein Baden: Beethovengasse 7, 2500 Baden
Öffnungszeiten: Sa 10 - 12 und 14.30 - 18 Uhr
So 14.30 - 18 Uhr