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Niki de Saint Phalle, Paradis retrouvé

  • Ausstellung
    19.10.2022 - 30.11.2022
    Oopera Gallery »

Opera Gallery Paris is delighted to present Niki de Saint Phalle, Paradis Retrouvé, displaying the dynamic and feminist works conveyed through her beautiful and fantastical world. About thirty exceptional works by the Franco-American artist are presented, highlighting her creativity through a variety of techniques and materials in a universe populated by imaginary animals and colourful Nanas. The exhibition draws parallels with the famous Tarot Garden, a group of sculptures made in Tuscany between 1978 and 1998, which recreates his dreamlike style on a human scale. Niki de Saint Phalle’s passion for esotericism and her practice of palmistry was also inspired by the divination of tarot cards. Within her oeuvre we see allusions to the Garden of Eden with the imposing sculpture of Adam and Eve and the recurring and iconic image of the snake, as well as that of the tree of life.

Throughout her career, Saint Phalle never ceased to weave fragments of her own life into her work. The cathartic benefits of the creative act thus offered her the opportunity to escape into a world that obeyed its own codes. Her rounded figures, often monumental, tame the demons that inhabit the artist. Paradis Retrouvé is in this sense a fantastic garden imagined by Saint Phalle, inhabited by gigantic sculptures and devouring monsters. This places the art of Saint Phalle “between two poles, Heaven and Hell”, as Pierre Restany, New Realism art critic, said regarding her oeuvre. Her work acted as a form of therapy, allowing her to externalize the pains and reveries she grew up with.

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  • screenshot Niki de Saint Phalle
    screenshot Niki de Saint Phalle
    Oopera Gallery
  • Niki de Saint Phalle Lampe angulaire 1992 Painted polyester, metal and light bulbs 198 x 124 x 50 cm | 78 x 48.8 x 19.7 in
    Niki de Saint Phalle Lampe angulaire 1992 Painted polyester, metal and light bulbs 198 x 124 x 50 cm | 78 x 48.8 x 19.7 in
    Oopera Gallery
  • Niki de Saint Phalle Le Faucon bleu 1980 Painted polyester, metal and light bulbs 66 x 37 x 21 cm | 26 x 14.6 x 8.3 in
    Niki de Saint Phalle Le Faucon bleu 1980 Painted polyester, metal and light bulbs 66 x 37 x 21 cm | 26 x 14.6 x 8.3 in
    Oopera Gallery
  • Niki de Saint Phalle L’Oiseau amoureux (cerf-volant / kite), Circa 1988 Watercolour, coloured crayon and acrylic on Japanese paper laid down on silk 260 x 285 cm | 102.4 x 112.2 in
    Niki de Saint Phalle L’Oiseau amoureux (cerf-volant / kite), Circa 1988 Watercolour, coloured crayon and acrylic on Japanese paper laid down on silk 260 x 285 cm | 102.4 x 112.2 in
    Oopera Gallery
  • Niki de Saint Phalle Sphinx 1990 Painted polyester with gold leaf 28 x 43 x 29 cm | 11 x 16.9 x 11.4 in
    Niki de Saint Phalle Sphinx 1990 Painted polyester with gold leaf 28 x 43 x 29 cm | 11 x 16.9 x 11.4 in
    Oopera Gallery