Galerie Ernst
N CONVERSATION: Jakob Kirchmayr & Heinz Janisch
On the occasion of the solo exhibition "A glimpse of memory and time" by Jakob Kirchmayr, we are pleaseed to invite you to a matinee and reading.
Saturday 5 November from 12pm to 3pm Ernst Hilger Gallery, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna
The award-winning author Heinz Janisch will be reading from his book "Herr Kubin zieht den Hut", which was artistically designed by Jakob Kirchmayr and published in a limited and signed edition by Toni Kurz / Edition Thurnhof.
The reading and the following discussion between the two artists will take place at 2 pm.
Drinks and snacks will be served.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Ernst Hilger & Team
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Opening: Tuesday, October 11th 2022 7pm - 9pm
The artist will be present at the opening
Introduction by Elsy Lahner (Albertina)Exhibition dates: October 12th - November 19th 2022
Location: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna