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Sebastian Moegelin "Milk & honey"


Berlins favorite problem child. Sebastian Moegelin. Original. Choice investment. Full contact art. Summer nights. Opposites attract and undress. Most of them are newcomers. New neighbors. Salt and bread. Contact.

Shaking city. Intuition. Pasty colors. Promising deals. Sweet scents. Soothing drinks. Creativity. Milk and honey.

Strong competition. Impulsive behavior. Generate attention. Fast lane. Hectic. Weariness. Louder than the other. Hoarse voice. Exhaustion. Milk with honey.

Waiting list. Presale. Hanging paintings. Crate of beer. Having fun. Opening Party. All cheerfully. Berlin reconciled.

Sold out.

  • 05.09.2015 - 26.09.2015
    Ausstellung »
    Woeske Gallery »

    Tue - Fri 11:00 - 19:00
    Saturday 11:00 - 14:00
    closed on mo and sun

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