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The international exhibition&competition of contemporary arts "UKRAINIAN ART WEEK" is organized NextArt Foundation with support of National Artist Union of Ukraine at at one of the best Kiev exhibition areas - the Modern Fine Art Museum of Ukraine
Address: Hlybochutska St. 17, Kyiv, Ukraine
Dates: October 12-21, 2012

The artworks presented will be awarded with the wide variety of prizes and bonuses, study courses in universities, prizes in cash or equipment/materials, publications and interviews.

Judges' award "Grand-Prix" and 1st, 2nd and 3rd places to each nomination. All the contest artworks will be featured in "New Faces in Arts" International Catalogue.

Ukrainian Artweek features:

Ukrainian Artweek joins two programs – exhibition and contest. During 6 days the artworks are exposed to a wide audience of viewers, specialists and media. Concurrently Org. Committee assesses the artworks presented and awards the winners. The members of Jury are representatives of the national (Ukrainian) and EU and America artistic circles.

Numerous master-classes, lectures, round tables and presentations are carried out in the contest framework.

Forms of participation and Schedule:

There are two ways to participate for the competition – online (in absentia) and in person (internal way).

Participation in absentia: Author or impresario should send copies or photos of art works: by email: info@artweek.org or post: 02099, Kyiv, vul.Zroshuvalna, 3 "B", of.23. (for: Ukrainian Art Week). Org. Committee enframes and arranges "in absentia" artworks in exposition.

Internal participation: The author brings the artworks in April 1, 2010: Exposition formation in Modern Fine Art Museum of Ukraine (1 PM -5PM), address: Hlybochutska St. 17, Kyiv, Ukraine

The international exhibition&competition of contemporary arts "UKRAINIAN ART WEEK" takes place at October 12-21, 2012 (12AM – 8PM): exhibition process, master-classes, lectures, round tables, award ceremonies.

The deadline for registration: October 08, 20102

You can apply electronically to info@artweek.org or to Org. Committee postal address (02099, Kyiv, vul.Zroshuvalna, 3 "B", of.23, for: Ukrainian Art Week).

Professional categories for entrants:

Ukrainian Art Week audience consists of the following professional categories:
1) «Student» category: university, high school, college students and graduates (no more than 1 year ago)
2) «Professional» category: practitioners in arts, professors, organizations, graduates (more than 1 year ago)

These categories are placed in different expositions and estimated separately.

The age admittance criterion for Ukrainian Art Week - 17 y.o. and more.

Künstler, Ukraine, Messe

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    Ukrainian Art Week