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BROTKunsthalle - art fair - September 22-25 Washington


The inaugural (e)merge art fair will take place September 22nd-25th in Washington, DC at the Rubell Family's Capitol Skyline Hotel.

(e)merge advances a new fair model featuring over 75 exhibitors in two platforms: The Gallery Platform is comprised of national and international galleries and non-profit exhibition spaces that support and exhibit emerging art; The Artist Platform features a vetted selection of works by artists that are not yet represented. Each section will feature new works in performance, installation, painting, sculpture video and other new media.

The Opening Preview will take place on Thursday, September 22nd from 7 to 9pm followed by a concert by the pool with LouLou and the Disappointer Sisters (featuring members of Thievery Corporation, Fugazi, French Toast and The Deadmen)

(e)merge is creating an engaging series on panel discussions, collector and museum tours as well as evening events with our cultural partners and sponsors. Cultural partners include: The Corcoran Gallery of Art, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, The National Gallery of Art, The Phillips Collection and The National Museum of Women in the Arts.

A complete list of exhibitors, onsite and offsite events, performances and details will be available very soon online.

(e)merge art fair has arranged highly competitive rates for fair-goers at The Capitol Skyline Hotel (site of the Fair) and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel (located a short cab ride away on the SW Waterfront).

Call 202-488-7500 and ask for Reservations or email reservations@capitolskyline.com
Use code: AFAIR

Friday, September 23 - Sunday, September 25
call 202-787-6140 or visit: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/37b84c7e
Use code: (e)merge Art Fair 

Art, Washington, Messe

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  • HilgerBROTKunsthalle @ (e)merge art fair - September 22-25 Washington, DC ROOM 207, 2nd floor
    HilgerBROTKunsthalle @ (e)merge art fair - September 22-25 Washington, DC ROOM 207, 2nd floor