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Photobook Fair 2021


Today, photobook fairs seem to be spreading like wildfire all over the world. But at the same time, there seems to be an increasing focus on the newest books while vintage and out-of-print editions tend to be less and less visible.

Paris Vintage Photobook fair has been initiated to offer an alternative to this situation. Some photobook sellers from different European countries have decided to pool their effort in order to draw attention to the vintage and out-of-print photobook, bring out its diversity and specificities, and give it the place it merits in the market as well as in the hands of collectors who value quality photobooks.

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    11.-13. November 2021
    Hotel de Sauroy
    58 Rue Charlot
    75003 Paris

    Horaires d'ouverture/ Opening hours

    Jeudi/Thursday 11h-22h (preview 11h-18 ; opening 18-22h)
    Vendredi/Friday 11h-20h
    Samedi/Saturday 11h-19h

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