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BORDERS Art Fair 2020 - Deadline tomorrow!

ITSLIQUID Group, in collaboration with Venice Events and ACIT Venice - Italian-German Cultural Association, is pleased to announce the open call for FRAGMENTED IDENTITIES, second appointment of BORDERS - Venice International Art Fair.
BORDERS Art Fair, curated by Arch. Luca Curci, will be presented in Venice at THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello and in other prestigious venues from September 03 to October 02, 2020.

The first edition of BORDERS Art Fair took place in Venice in 2016, in the same period of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, presenting a great selection of more than 500 art and architecture works realized by 180 artists and architects, coming from 36 countries. Never as this time the concept of the exhibition seems to be epochal: since 3 months, the humankind coexists at a distance to stay closer. The new invisible borders generated by the covid-19 are creating new ways of living everyday life, new human connections, re-thinking common spaces and entire cities.

We invite artists, architects and designers to be inspired by this new era, exploring the connection between desires, needs, fears that brings humankind to change, to transform and to evolve our inner world. Click here to take part in the selection.

Deadline for applications is August 09, 2020 (11.59 PM of your local time)

Artists, photographers, video makers, and performers are invited to submit their works. To take part in the selection, send your works’ submissions with a CV/biography, some still images (for video-art), links of videos/films/performances and pictures via e-mail to director@itsliquid.com

The participation includes the following services
– exhibition space dedicated to the artist’s works
– assisting with customs formalities, international shipping and local transport
– assisting in finding accommodation for artist
– the design and the printing of invitation cards, posters
– the global and local press office, publicity, press, banners, totem, etc.
– the realization of the exhibition website and dedicated press releases
– mounting and dismounting of the exhibition
– exhibitions opening event with drinks and food
– a one day dedicated presentation, talk or workshop focusing on the artist’s career
– a dedicated interview published on ITSLIQUID website and spread on our social networks
– providing services and drinks for small meetings at the exhibition places for invited guests
– a printed catalogue that will include all the participants

Artists interested in taking part in our shows, are free to be sponsored and supported by institutions, organizations, governments and their representers; the logos of their sponsors will be included in all the communication (digital and print) of the events. Artists are free to take part in one or more events. Click here to take part in the selection.

Deadline for applications is August 09, 2020 (11.59 PM of your local time)

Artists, photographers, video makers, and performers are invited to submit their works. To take part in the selection, send your works’ submissions with a CV/biography, some still images (for video-art), links of videos/films/performances and pictures via e-mail to director@itsliquid.com

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