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Art Faire

MiArt 2016

Art Faire

Never change a winning team: expand it. Over the last three years, under the Artistic Direction of Vincenzo de Bellis , miart has grown thanks to a project that represents a point of enco unter and connection between internationalism, art and that very delicate busine ss that transforms the creativity of today into the culture of tomorrow.

“miart represents a very particular and precious pr oduct for Fiera Milano – says Corrado Peraboni , CEO of Fiera Milano. – This even combines important fac tors like art, the Italian love of culture, the links with the territory and the re lationship with the city of Milan, whose strong international character has been emphasized in the previous editions of the fair. We intend to continue working in this direction, investing even more to bring the world of international collecting to Milan, consolidating the central role of the fair and the city in the network of artists , galleries and sector professionals from all over th e world.”

To approach the new objectives of the event and to achieve even more, Fiera Milano confirms the appointment of Vincenzo de Bellis as Artistic D irector.

“I am proud to move forward with my role as Artistic Director – Vincenzo de Bellis says – bringing continuity and growth to the path that beg an three years ago. The goal is to generate further improvement today, focusing on internationa l positioning and the intense dialogue between modern and contemporary art."

Starting with the 2016 edition the Artistic Directo r will be joined by a Deputy Director , to reinforce the team and to achieve even more ambitio us results. This position has been assigned to Alessandro Rabottini , art critic, Curator-at-Large of the MADRE Museum in Naples, and already a member of the miart curatorial team.

“With Emanuela Forlin , Exhibition Manager of miart, we have decided to i nsert the figure of a Deputy Director in the team, who can support us wit h his experience – de Bellis continues. – The choice of Alessandro Rabottini, previously the curatorial coordinator during the last three years of the fair, bears witness to the continuity I have always sought, which I believe is indispensable for the long-term solidity of the pro ject.”

Alessandro Rabottini is an art critic and curator . Before working as Curator-at-Large of MADRE in Naples , he was Head Curator at GAMeC, the Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of Bergamo. As an independent curator he has organi zed exhibitions for Italian and international institutions, including t he Triennale di Milano , the GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna of Turin, Villa Medici/Accademia di Francia in Rome, Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Basel, Centre d’Art Contemporain of Geneva, and PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea in Milan.

“ It is an honor to have been selected for this prest igious position – Alessandro Rabottini says – and I am convinced that this new role will a llow me to make an important contribution to the upcoming editions of miart.”

In its 20th edition, which finished on 12 April 201 5, miart confirmed its status as an event of reference in the world of modern and contemporary a rt, hosting 156 galleries , of which 72 from abroad , subdivided into four sections, with a total of ab out 4,000 works on display , and the participation of over 41,000 visitors .

  • 08.04.2016 - 10.04.2016
    Messe »
    Fiera Milano International Spa »


    Viale Scarampo
    Gate 5 pad. 3
    20149 Milano8 - 10 aprile 2016

    Apertura al pubblico
    Venerdì e Sabato
    Ore 12.00 – 19.00
    Ore 11.00 – 19.00

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