Grand Palais
Paris Beaux-Arts 2015
Messe01.04.2015 - 05.04.2015
Paris Beaux-Arts is an exciting new annual art and antiques fair for Paris organised by the Syndicat National des Antiquaires (SNA). Paris Beaux-Arts will represent a new departure from the capital's existing fairs in that it will mix all categories from classic art, drawings, sculpture, jewellery and furniture to modern and contemporary art and all eras. Aiming to attract a new, younger public, the fair will fill a gap in the market for French and international dealers and collectors. The SNA will continue to run the Biennale at the Grand Palais in parallel with the new event.
MasterArt is a partner of Paris Beaux-Arts.
Gelegentlich ein gutes altes oder hübsches Stück zu erwerben macht noch keinen Sammler. Erst das...
01.04.2015 - 05.04.2015Messe »
Opening hours
1 › 5 Avril 2015, 11AM - 8PM
Night opening - 2nd April 11AM - 10PMTickets
Adult € 20
Children under 18 freeAddress
99 rue de Rivoli,
75001 Paris