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ART EDITION 2015 Hong Kong

  • Messe
    13.03.2015 - 16.03.2015
    Art Edition »

ART EDITION is the Korea’s only inter­na­tional edi­tion art fair devoted to mul­ti­ple art. Ini­ti­ated by Korea Print Pho­tog­ra­phy Pro­mo­tion Asso­ci­a­tion, the fair was launched in 1995 under the name of Seoul Inter­na­tional Print Photo Art Fair. Since its incep­tion, the event has been sup­port­ing pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment of print­mak­ers and pho­tog­ra­phers. As the meth­ods and media of art-making have evolved over the years with the use of dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies, so has the iden­tity of the fair as a genre-specific art fair. In order to estab­lish an art mar­ket that dif­fers from other Korean art fairs and to let the audi­ence under­stand mul­ti­ple art in a mod­ern con­text, the title of the fair changed to ART EDITION in 2010 encom­pass­ing wide range of edi­tion art from prints to pho­tos and 3D mul­ti­ples to com­puter based art. Return­ing for a sec­ond year, is held at Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel & Har­bour City with a great range of signed lim­ited edi­tion art under the motto, ‘Lim­ited and Unique’.

  • 13.03.2015 - 16.03.2015
    Messe »
    Art Edition »

    Period: 2015 March 13 — 16
    Venue: Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel & Har­bour City
    Cat­e­gories: Lim­ited Edi­tion Art­works

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    Art Edition