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YUSUKE KOMUTA: Unfolding Structure


The ways of Yusuke Komuta (*1983, JPN) describe a further cornerstone in the approach to differentiated aspects of abstract painting. Komuta rejects rules in painting. The negation of all rules results in great freedom, which he makes use of. He folds his canvases according to the simple system of Japanese paper airplanes and thus follows an arbitrary system. His approach corresponds most closely to the ideas of "concrete art“, however, there are no hard edges in Komuta's work; instead, the use of the spray gun results in flowing transitions and great pictorial depth. The works also have a temporal aspect, as the traces and superimpositions suggest a chronology of creation. We are showing a selection of works on canvas and mirror pieces.

"The color stands for all visible light in the world. The mirror reflects all this light. With colors and mirrors, it includes everything in the world of colors. Both represent 'the colors' of this world." Yusuke Komuta

  • 16.03.2024 - 28.04.2024
    Ausstellung »
    Galerie Zink Waldkirchen »

    Während den Ausstellungen ist die Galerie immer sonntags von 14.30 bis 18.00 Uhr geöffnet.
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  • Yusuke Komuta, Unfolded #38, 2023
    Yusuke Komuta, Unfolded #38, 2023
    Galerie Zink Waldkirchen