4. Biennale de la Arte internazionale Donna
Ausstellung28.10.2023 - 07.01.2024
Opening 28.10.2023, 10am-7pm
Trieste, Porto Vecchio, Magazzino 26
The Biennale will remain open every weekend from October 28 to January 7, 2024, to welcome all of you, from Thursday to Sunday. www.bid.trieste.it
I am pleased to be able to develop one of my tape interventions on site. It will be MESH TRIESTE. I will be in Trieste from 24th to 29th October). Give me a sign, if you are passing by!
Below you can finad an image of my last wall work called MESH GRENOBLE (which is on view until 18 November, 7th Biennale internationale d'art non objectif de la Ville de Pont de Claix, France.
MESH GRENOBLE, 2023, Paper Tape on wall, 120 x 500 cm
Barbara Höller
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28.10.2023 - 07.01.2024