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André Brasilier, Recent Works

  • Ausstellung
    15.03.2023 - 12.04.2023
    Oopera Gallery »

Born in 1929 in Saumur, France, Brasilier still maintains an active studio practice despite his age of 94. Widely regarded as the last heir of the maestros from the golden age of French art, Brasilier has consistently held that the painting’s role is to ignite a vigorous will for life within the viewer. This is where his lifelong pursuit of the female figure, sunset, forest, horses, music, and painterly beauty originates from. The painting is a way for him to make dynamic statements of life and a tireless endeavor to exchange living emotions.


Opera Gallery Seoul
18, Eonju-ro 154 gil
Seoul 06021

Mon - Sat: 10 am - 7 pm

T. +82 2 3446 0070

  • 15.03.2023 - 12.04.2023
    Ausstellung »
    Oopera Gallery »

    Opera Gallery Seoul
    18, Eonju-ro 154 gil
    Seoul 06021

    Mon - Sat: 10 am - 7 pm

    T. +82 2 3446 0070

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  • André Brasilier, Recent Works
    André Brasilier, Recent Works
    Oopera Gallery