Galerie Ernst
Jakob Kirchmayr "A glimpse of memory and time"
Ausstellung12.11.2022 - 19.11.2022
A Glimpse of Memory and Time – a thought, flaring up like a flash from the past, or a sensation that suddenly and very intensely asserts its presence: this is how the creative process of Jakob Kirchmayr (*1975) typically begins. There is hardly ever one specific idea when he tackles a new painting. Rather, it is a continuous tracking of a sense, along with different external influences and the poetry of Yiannis Ritsos, which for years has served as a source of inspiration for the artist. (Angelika Seebacher)
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12.11.2022 - 19.11.2022
Opening: Tuesday, October 11th 2022 7pm - 9pm
The artist will be present at the opening
Introduction by Elsy Lahner (Albertina)Exhibition dates: October 12th - November 19th 2022
Location: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna