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"Beyond the Frame - Expanded Questioning of Photography

  • Ausstellung
    18.03.2022 - 26.03.2022
    SomoS Arts »

SomoS is proud to host "Beyond The Frame;" a collaborative exhibition showcasing the results of a year-long project course at the Photocentrum of the Gilberto-Bosques-Volkshochschule Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.

The title of the show 'Beyond the Frame' references the artist's subjectivity. Exploring the places beyond their projected frames of reality in order to portray biographical, geographical, social, media, and futuristic aspects of our society.

The collection of works conveys different personal perceptions and constructions of the world, reflecting individual artistic research in the form of field studies, image collections, or oral interviews.

As a result, the exhibition presents an array of suggestive photographs that relies on the viewer to participate, interpret and respond.

With works by: Valie Djordjević, Klaus W. Eisenlohr (seminar director), Tamara Granatkina, Kordula Horn, Claus Köllner, Monika Lache, Irene Mauch, Sebastian Schmidt.


Soft opening: March 18th from 15.00 - 20.00.


About Photocentrum Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg:

The institution is part of a long-standing tradition of dedicated, sophisticated photography. Starting from the legendary workshop for photography founded by Michael Schmidt in 1976 at the Volkshochschule Kreuzberg, the gradual development of the Photocentrum as a focus of the program area Culture and Design of the VHS began. Since 2008, the Photocentrum has been permanently located at the Volkshochschule Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. The Photocentrum is the winner of the Education Award 2021 of the German Society for Photography,



SomoS, Kottbusser Damm 95,

10967 Berlin

Open March 18 - 26, 2022, Tue - Sat, 2 - 7 h

Entry free, as always.



  • 18.03.2022 - 26.03.2022
    Ausstellung »
    SomoS Arts »

    SomoS Arthouse is Open from Tuesday - Saturday from 14:00 - 19:00.


    Entry is Free, as Always.

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  • "Beyond the Frame - Expanded Questioning of Photography
    SomoS Arts