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Ron Mueck 25 Years of Sculpture, 1996—2021

This apparent presence of a soul or animating life force is part of what makes Mueck’s figures so compelling, inviting an empathetic engagement with the challenges and perils of our shared humanity. His intimate meditations on universal experiences range from companionship and compassion to vulnerability and loss, confronting the viewer with their own inner workings at each of the various ages – those lived and those yet to be experienced.

  • 13.10.2021 - 13.11.2021
    Ausstellung »
    London Ely House »

    Monday 11 October
    Photo Call: 8.30am–10.30am
    Press Preview & Exhibition Walkthrough: 2pm
    Drop in until 6pm

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  • Ron Mueck, Dark Place, 2018. Mixed media. 140 x 90 x 75 cm (55.12 x 35.43 x 29.53 in). Photo: Marcus Leith. © Ron Mueck.
    Ron Mueck, Dark Place, 2018. Mixed media. 140 x 90 x 75 cm (55.12 x 35.43 x 29.53 in). Photo: Marcus Leith. © Ron Mueck.
    London Ely House