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Do Ho Suh

From 18 May through 29 September 2019, the very first solo show in the Netherlands to feature South Korean artist Do Ho Suh (b. 1962) will be on display in museum Voorlinden. His architectural installations evoke the personal memories and inner experiential world of the viewer. Suh is interested in the way in which we, as human beings, relate to the spaces in which we live and what it means to be ‘at home’. The artist’s replicas of his previous homes, made by hand and recreated down to the smallest detail, capture an experience that lies somewhere between a dream and reality. Inspired by his personal experiences, his work transcends the purely biographical and touches on universal themes such as belonging, memory, identity and migration. Voorlinden will exhibit sculptural installations, scale models, drawings and videos by the artist. Suh's magical installations occupy a realm between dream and reality and invite us to become lost in them.

Do Ho Suh Main Entrance, 348 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011, USA, 2016, Collection museum Voorlinden © Do Ho Suh. Courtesy the artist; Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York, Hong Kong, and Seoul; and Victoria Miro, London/Venice

  • 18.05.2019 - 29.09.2019
    Ausstellung »
    Museum Voorlinden »

    Opening hours & admission Open daily 11:00-17:00 Adults: € 15,00 Youth 13-18 years: € 7,50 Children up to 12 years: free

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    Museum Voorlinden