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concrete summer 28.6.2018 Bratislava

  • Ausstellung
    06.06.2018 - 29.07.2018

The main objective of the organisers of this event is to present the widest range of possibilities explored in concrete and geometric art. Geometric abstraction represents one principle and an infinite number of creative possibilities. Over the past century, geometric abstraction went through interesting developments reflected in the works of artists, unique mutations, diverse syntheses and opposing forces, formal and philosophical reverberations. Even today, many artists enhance its development in new dimensions. This form of fine art has a rich tradition in Slovakia and Bohemia, where a joint Czech-Slovak Concretist Club was established in 1967, as well in other countries, such as Hungary, Poland, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland among others. This exhibition is showcasing a broad spectrum of generations ranging from renowned artists to the youngest protagonists. The international cooperation opens up opportunities for a deeper appreciation of other cultures through the universal medium of art.

The central part of the exhibition project representing the artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, France, the Netherlands and Germany is shown in the Umelka Gallery in Bratislava, and further exhibitions are planned to open in the Gallery Z, the Gallery of the French Institute, the Gallery of the Polish Institute, the Gallery of the Austrian Cultural Forum, and the Bratislava City Gallery.

The partners and co-organisers of the event are the Slovak Arts Council, Bratislava Old Town Council, Ars Bratislavensis, the Slovak Union of Visual Art, participating galleries and foreign cultural institutes, including the Polish Institute, the French Institute, the Hungarian Cultural Institute, the Austrian Cultural Forum as well as some embassies, partner institutions and foreign organisations. The main organiser and co-curator of the event is Viktor Hulík. CONCRETE SUMMER – Contemporary European Geometric al Tendencies List of venues and openings of exhibitions 6 June 2018 Introduction to OSAS at Gallery Z (curator Júlia N.Mészáros) Levente Bálványos, Barna Benedek, Bob Bonies, Tibor Gáyor, Hans-Jörg Glattfelder, István Haász, Katalin Haász, István Haraszty, Katalin Hetey, Viktor Hulík, Tamás Jovánovics, Antal Kelle, Tamás Konok, Zsuzsanna Kóródi, Dóra Maurer, Manfred Mohr, János Megyik, András Mengyán, Vera Molnár, Barbara Nagy, István Nádler, Judit Nemes, Kamilla Szíj a András Wolsky.

28 June 2018:
15.00 – Anna Szprynger (PL), Polish Institute
16.00 – Peter Roller, Bratislava City Gallery
17.00 – Barbara Höller (A), Gallery of the Austrian Cultural Forum 18.00 – Fabrice Ainaut (F), Gallery of the French Institute
19.00 – OSAS, Gallery Z 20.00 – Štefan Balázs, Mária Balážová, Joanick Becourt (F), Milija Belic (F), Pavol Binder, Péter Botos (H), Jerzy Budziszewski (PL), Marian Drugda, Jan Dudéšek (CZ), Oleg Fintora, Eva Francová (CZ), Ingo Glass (H), Tibor Hamza, Ján Hoffstädter, Barbara Höller (A), Gerhard Hotter (D), Viktor Hulík, Ladislav Jezbera (CZ), Tamás Kovács (H), Štěpán Málek (CZ), Václav Malina (CZ), NAGÁMI (H), Roland Orepük (F), Roland de Jong Orlando (NL), Lászlo Otto (H), Otto Reitsperger (D), Reinhard Roy (D), Pavol Rusko, János Szász SAXON (H), Jaromír Šimkůj (CZ), Rudo Sikora, Bogumila Strojna (F), Aleš Svoboda (CZ), Anna Szprynger (PL), Markéta Váradiová (CZ), József Zalavári (H), Ludwig Wilding (D) Contemporary European Geometric al Tendencies, Umelka Gallery, (co-curator Zsuzsa Dárdai) The exhibition of Štěpán Pala, Space and Echoes, staged in the Gallery Statua is part of the Concrete Summer project. 28 June – 26 July 2018 

  • 06.06.2018 - 29.07.2018
    Ausstellung »

    österreichisches Kulturforum Bratislava
    Hodžovo námestie 1A
    SK 811 06 Bratislava
    T +421.2.59 30 15 00

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