architektonischer Formen
21er Haus | Anita Leisz
Ausstellung29.11.2017 - 14.01.2018
Austrian artist Anita Leisz primarily works with semi-finished products, with sheet goods, that are fabricated / produced for construction and interior finishes. The surfaces are specially treated, the sheets are cut, glued or screwed together resulting in the most accurate objects that hang on the wall or stand in space. With their strong presence, the sculptures develop an essential, bodily character and draw attention to how the objects, the space and we as viewers interact. Anita Leisz’ work is marked by stringency and openness, intensity and ease. It equally deals with the possibilities of sculptural acts as well as with the architectural and institutional framework of its presentation. Curated by Luisa Ziaja
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29.11.2017 - 14.01.2018
Öffnungszeiten Unteres Belvedere & Orangerie
Täglich 10 bis 18 Uhr
Mittwoch 10 bis 21 UhrÖffnungszeiten Prunkstall
Täglich 10 bis 12 UhrKontakt
Tel. +43 1 795 57-0