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Frieze Seoul 2023

  • Messe
    06.09.2023 - 09.09.2023
    Frieze »

Seundja Rhee (1918–2009), a solo presentation by Gallery Hyundai (Frieze Masters), is celebrated in Korea and France but largely unknown elsewhere. Passionate, experimental and determined, Rhee left Korea in 1951 to forge a career in Paris, where she absorbed modernism, pursuing her own lyrical abstract language of geometric signs and symbols that transcend time and borders. Her works visualize a poetic and musical vision of the world, universe and life. As Gallery Hyundai says, “She started from the bottom, the earth, and steadily grew up and out to encompass the cosmos.”

Frieze Seoul
Frieze Seoul returns to COEX from 6–9 September, 2023. Discover the best art from more than 120 leading galleries from across Asia and beyond. Located in the Gangnam district in the heart of Seoul, the fair will run alongside Kiaf SEOUL, South Korea’s leading art fair. 

  • Frieze
  • 06.09.2023 - 09.09.2023
    Messe »
    Frieze »


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  • Olafur Eliasson, Your polyamorous sphere, 2022, coloured glass (yellow, blue), colour-effect filter glass (green), stainless steel, paint (black), LED light, aluminium, ⌀ 1.2 m. Courtesy the artist and PKM Gallery
    Olafur Eliasson, Your polyamorous sphere, 2022, coloured glass (yellow, blue), colour-effect filter glass (green), stainless steel, paint (black), LED light, aluminium, ⌀ 1.2 m. Courtesy the artist and PKM Gallery
  • Woody De Othello, Ibeji, 2022, ceramic, glaze, paint and redwood, overall dimensions 145 × 48 × 52 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Jessica Silverman
    Woody De Othello, Ibeji, 2022, ceramic, glaze, paint and redwood, overall dimensions 145 × 48 × 52 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Jessica Silverman
  • Hamra Abbas, Mountain 3, 2022, marble, five vertical freestanding panels, overall dimension 72 × 120 cm. Courtesy the artist and Lawrie Shabibi. Photo: Ismail Noor of Seeing Things
    Hamra Abbas, Mountain 3, 2022, marble, five vertical freestanding panels, overall dimension 72 × 120 cm. Courtesy the artist and Lawrie Shabibi. Photo: Ismail Noor of Seeing Things
  • Yuko Mohri, Decomposition, 2023, seasonal fruits, wooden pedestal, computer, audio, speaker. Courtesy the artist and Yutaka Kikutake Gallery
    Yuko Mohri, Decomposition, 2023, seasonal fruits, wooden pedestal, computer, audio, speaker. Courtesy the artist and Yutaka Kikutake Gallery
  • Shim Moon-Seup, 메타포 (Metaphor), 1996, wood, steel, 105 × 33 × 172 cm. Courtesy Gana Art. © ShimMoonSeup
    Shim Moon-Seup, 메타포 (Metaphor), 1996, wood, steel, 105 × 33 × 172 cm. Courtesy Gana Art. © ShimMoonSeup
  • Kohei Nawa, Tornscape (2021). Installation photo: Nobutada Omote. Courtesy SCAI THE BATHHOUSE
    Kohei Nawa, Tornscape (2021). Installation photo: Nobutada Omote. Courtesy SCAI THE BATHHOUSE
  • Seundja Rhee, Timeless, 1976, acrylic on panel, wood 1.6 × 1.3 m. Courtesy Seundja Rhee Foundation
    Seundja Rhee, Timeless, 1976, acrylic on panel, wood 1.6 × 1.3 m. Courtesy Seundja Rhee Foundation