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Agora Gallery

Opening Reception of Portal to Enigma, The Substance of Abstraction and United in Art

  • Ausstellung
    04.06.2011 - 25.06.2011
Agora Gallery

The Opening Reception of Portal to Enigma, The Substance of Abstraction and United in Art

Portal to Enigma
Exhibition Dates: 6/4/2011 - 6/25/201

Portal to Enigma focuses on the work of artists who embrace the challenge of self-expression with an enthusiasm that shines through their chosen medium, enlivening and intensifying their creations. The works seek to bring a sense of beauty to touch the emotions of their viewers, leaving a lasting impression and introducing us to the delicate, vibrant wonder of the world.

The Substance of Abstraction
Exhibition Dates: 6/4/2011 - 6/25/2011

The Substance of Abstraction is a collection of the works of artists who have found their inspiration in their personal visual experiences and who have discovered a way to share their insights through the power of abstract art. Moving, intriguing and able to create emphatic and emotive sensations in the viewer, these works are perfect examples of the impact abstraction can have.

United in Art: Fine Art from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
Exhibition Dates: 6/4/2011 - 6/25/2011

In United in Art, talented fine artists from England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland present their profound visual connection to the diverse levels of external and internal experience. Through a variety of mediums, the audience is confidently shown how the passionate energy of the act of creation can be translated into a settled yet dynamic form.

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