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Jitka Hanzlová: Silences

Jitka Hanzlová lives and works in Essen. In 1993 she was awarded the Dr. Otto-Steinert-Preis by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie, in 1995 she received the DG BANK Frankfurt scholarship, in 2003 the Grand Prix Arles, and in 2007 the Paris Photo Prize for Contemporary Photography. She was twice nominee for The Citibank Photography Prize in London. Hanzlová has presented her work at collective exhibitions all over the world; her noteworthy solo exhibitions include those at the Kunstverein in Frankfurt, at Deichtorhallen in Hamburg, at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, at Fotomuseum Winterthur, at Museum Folkwang in Essen, at Fundación MAPFRE in Madrid and at the National Gallery in Edinburgh. In 2005, she was invited as a visiting professor to the Akademie der Künste in Hamburg, where she stayed until 2007. In 2012, she was invited by the ZhdK in Zürich, and lectured here until 2016.

The exhibition is accompanied by a book Jitka Hanzlová. Silences with the essays by Adam Budak and Urs Stahel, a conversation between Jitka Hanzlová and Zdenek Felix and a rich visual material.

Curator: Adam Budak
Architects: Pavla Melková, Kateřina Frejlachová, Miroslav Cikán, MCA atelier

This exhibition commemorates 30 years of freedom and is organised within the cycle Three Artists – Three Generations.

  • 15.11.2019 - 16.02.2020
    Ausstellung »
    Nationalgalerie Prag »

    Januar – Dezember Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, So 10.00 – 18.00

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    Jitka Hanzlová: Silences
    Nationalgalerie Prag