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The program begins with “Tuning into Other Worlds: Spiderwebs and Invertebrate Vibrations” a workshop for people interested in spiders and various other insects, sound, field recordings, and DIY scientific experimentation. Under the direction of Dr Roland Mühlethaler, entomologist and specialist in animal vibratory communication, and researcher Dr Ally Bisshop, both of whom work in Tomás Saraceno Studio’s Arachnophilia department, participants build simple electronic devices that allow them to listen to the world of vibrations produced by spiders, insects, and other invertebrates. These devices created during the workshop can then be used in the subsequent “Cartography of the Spider/Web: Anti-Extinction Mapping and Fieldwork” tour in Real Jardín Botánico to find spider/webs that cohabit our urban spaces.

Additionally, in collaboration with Tomás Saraceno Studio, Ania Puig will offer “Arachnomancy Readings”: various individual divination sessions, contemplating the future with cards and app designed by Tomás Saraceno Studio based on the oracle of the spider/web.

Different times and locations Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Real Jardín Botánico and Medialab-Prado.

All activities are free of charge, and count with simultaneous translation English-Spanish, courtesy of TBA21, however advance registration is required.

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