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Sotheby's Hong Kong Presents Magnificent Jewels and Jadeite Autumn Sale 2017


Mother Nature has long been an everlasting source of incredible inspiration to the artists and jewellery designers alike. Captivated by the exquisite beauty of flora and fauna, myriads of masterpieces have flourished and bloomed throughout the history of mankind. Subtle musings of nature transformed into wondrous declarations of love in the form of butterflies and enlightenment in dragonflies, the inspiration from botanic beauties boundless. From the legendary beasts of Cartier, to the playful aesthetics of modern contemporary designers, creative interpretations are reborn as extraordinary treasures, in a beautiful ode to nature. This season, Sotheby’s invites you to take a stroll through our bejewelled garden, specially curated to delight the senses.

  • 03.10.2017
    Auktion »
    Sotheby’s Auktionshaus »

    Public Exhibition: 28 September – 3 October|Auction: 3 October
    Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

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