Art Gallery Peter Pappot
Art Gallery Peter Pappot in Amsterdam, is specialised in paintings of Dutch and Belgian masters of the period 1800 to 1950, artists like Cornelis Springer, Adrianus Eversen, Otto Eerelman, J.A.B.Stroebel, H.W.Mesdag, Hermanus Koekkoek, F.M.Kruseman, Charles Leickert, Isaac Israels, Kees van Dongen, J.Brusselmans, Gustave de Smet, Jan Sluijters and many others. Over and above, we also posses works of French impressionists. We also have graphic art by amongst others Kees van Dongen, Carel Willink, and bronze statues by Chris Tap and Caius Sponken.
Our art gallery is to be found in the well known Spiegelkwartier (Spiegel Quarter) the heart of Amsterdam, in the Nieuwe Spiegelstraat.
We shall be pleased to assist you with acquisition and sale of paintings, valuation for insurance and estate duty purposes and reports on the condition of paintings.
Paintings can be taken in consigment by us if you wish, and we shall put them up for sale in the best possible way in our gallery or through well known Dutch auction houses at a fixed commission.
On our website you can get acquainted with all works we have in our collection at this moment, with an introduction about the artist giving all relevant information, including the museums in which other work of the artist is exhibited, as well as a price indication.
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